Book Chapters
Proctor, G. & Brown, M. (2019) Industrialising relational therapy: ethical conflicts and threats for counsellors in IAPT. In C. Jackson & R. Rizq (Eds.) pp. 253-276. PCCS Books: Monmouth.
Proctor, G. (2018) Introduction to second edition. In Counselling, class and politics. A. Kearney (author) pp. 1-6. PCCS Books: Monmouth.
Proctor, G. (2018) CBT: The obscuring of power in the name of science. In Why not CBT?: Against and for CBT revisited. D. Loewenthal & G. Proctor (eds.) pp 33-51. Monmouth: PCCS books.
Loewenthal, D. & Proctor, G. (2018) Introduction to the second edition. In Why not CBT?: Against and for CBT revisited. D. Loewenthal & G. Proctor (eds.) pp 1-10. Monmouth: PCCS books.
Loewenthal, D. & Proctor, G. (2018) Conclusion to the second edition: No single therapy should be the only game in town. In Why not CBT?: Against and for CBT revisited. D. Loewenthal & G. Proctor (eds.) pp 397-400. Monmouth: PCCS books.
Proctor, G. & Keys, S. (2013 2nd edition) Ethics in practice in person-centred therapy. In the Handbook of Person-centred psychotherapy and counseling. (eds. M. Cooper, M. O’Hara, P. Schmid & A.C. Bohart), pp. 422-435. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
Proctor, G. (2010) Women centred practice. In Anti-discriminatory Counselling practice. (Eds. C. Lago & B. Smith) London: Sage.
Proctor, G. (2008) CBT: The obscuring of power in the name of science. Against and For CBT. Ed. R. Howes and D. Loewenthal. (chapter 20) Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
Proctor, G. (2007) Disordered boundaries? A critique of ‘Borderline Personality Disorder’. In Beyond Fear and Control: working with young people who self-harm. (Eds. H. Spandler & S. Warner) pp. 105-120. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
Proctor, G. & Regan, A, (2007) From Both Sides: The experience of therapy. Person-Centred Practice: Case studies in positive psychology. Ross-on-Wye:PCCS Books.
Keys, S. & Proctor, G. (2007) Ethics in practice in person-centred therapy. In the Handbook of Person-centred psychotherapy and counseling. (eds. M. Cooper, M. O’Hara, P. Schmid & G. Wyatt), pp. 353-365. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
Proctor, G. (2006) Therapy: Opium for the masses or help for those who least need it? In Proctor G., Cooper, M., Sanders P. & Malcolm B. (eds) Politicising the Person-centred approach: An agenda for social change. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
Proctor, G. (2005) Clinical Psychology and the Person-centred Approach: An uncomfortable fit? In. S. Joseph & R. Worsley. Person-Centred Psychopathology: a positive view of mental health. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
Proctor, G. (2004) Responding to injustice: working with angry and violent clients in a person-centred way. In Working with Dangerous People: The psychotherapy of violence. (Ed. D. Jones) Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press.
Proctor, G. (2002) Power in Person-centred therapy. In Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy in the 21st Century: Advances in theory, research and practice (Eds. J. Watson, R. Goldman & M. Warner) Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.
Proctor, G. (2013) Book review of: Maximising the benefits of psychotherapy: a practice-based evidence approach by D. Green & G. Latchford. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 41(5), 606-609.
Proctor, G. (2012) Book review of: In, against and beyond therapy: critical essays towards a post-professional era, by R. House, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling,
Vol. 40, No. 4, 315-318.
Longden, E. & Proctor, G. (2012) A rationale for services responses to self-injury. Journal of Mental Health, 21(1), 15–22.
Proctor, G. (2011) Diversity: The depoliticization of inequalities. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. 10,4, 231-234.
Dunphy, L., Proctor, G., Bartlett, R., Haslam, M., & Wood, C. (2010) Reflections and learning from using action learning sets in a healthcare education setting. Action Learning: Research and Practice. 7,3, 303-314.
Proctor, G. (2010) Boundaries or mutuality in therapy: Is mutuality really possible or is therapy doomed from the start? Politics and Psychology, 8, 1, 44-58.
Proctor, G. (2008) Gender dynamics in person-centered therapy: Does gender
Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 7, 2, 82-94.
Proctor, G. (2008) CBT: The obscuring of power in the name of science. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 10(3), 231-245.
Proctor, G. (2005) Working in forensic services in a person-centered way. Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. 4(1) 20-30.
Shaw, C. & Proctor, G. (2005) Women at the margins: a critique of Borderline Personality Disorder. Feminism and Psychology. 15(4), 483-490.
Proctor, G. (2001) Listening to older women with dementia: relationships, voices and power Disability and Society, 16(3): 361-376.
Moore, B.C.J, Glasberg, B.R. & Proctor, G.M. (1992) Accuracy of pitch matching for pure tones and for complex tones with overlapping or nonoverlapping harmonics. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 91, 2163-2177
Shaw, C. & Proctor, G. (eds.) (2004) Women at the Margins: Special Issue on women and Borderline Personality Disorder. Asylum magazine 4(3).
Proctor, G. & Hargate, R. (2013) Quantitative and qualitative analysis of a set of goal attainment forms in primary care mental health services. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research
Proctor, G. & Shaw, C. (2005) Hidden agenda Open Mind. 133, 12-13.
Proctor, G. (2005) Should therapy make you worse? Clinical Psychology 45, 7-9.
Regan, A. & Proctor, G. (2004) Ann's story: an experience of therapy part 1. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, vol 4, no 2. ISSN: 1475-0724
Regan, A. & Proctor, G. (2004) Anns story: an experience of therapy part 2. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, vol 4, no 3, 22-25. ISSN: 1475-0724.
Proctor, G. (2004) Should therapy make you worse? Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, vol 4, no 3, 14-16. ISSN: 1475-0724.
Proctor, G. & Shaw, C. (2004) BPD under the microscope. Asylum 4(3), 6-7.
Shaw, C. & Proctor, G. (2004) Women at the margins. Asylum 4(3), 8-10.
Proctor, G. (2004) Disordered boundaries. Asylum 4(3), 24-25.
Proctor, G. (2003) Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Collaboration or Compliance? Clinical Psychology, 25 (May).
Proctor, G. (2002) Therapy in the NHS: who's got the power? Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, 2(4):26-29.
Proctor, G. (2002) My experience, as a Client, of Power in the Therapy Relationship. The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2(3):137-148.
Proctor, G. (2002) The NHS in 2015: science fiction or scary possibility? Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. 2(3): 2-6.
Regan, A. & Proctor, G. (2001) Completing the jigsaw: An experience of therapy. The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 1(4):242-251.
Attenborough, E.L., Hawkins, J., O'Driscoll, D. & Proctor, G. (2000) Clinical Psychology in context: The impact of the socio-political environment. Clinical Psychology Forum, 142, 13-17.
Proctor, G. (1998) “’There’s always a difference: They’re higher up’: The analysis and ethics of power in the healthcare professional-service user relationship”, Journal of Dementia Care
Proctor, G. (1994) Lesbian clients’ experiences of clinical psychology: a listener’s guide. Changes. 12:290-8.
Too numerous to list – at least 2 per year since 2000
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
Person-centered and Experiential Psychotherapies
The Person-Centered Journal
Feminism and Psychology
European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling
Counselling and Psychotherapy Research
Invited lectures and workshops
see Training
Book or article reviews
I enjoy editing and reviewing papers, book chapters or books, so please get in touch with any requests. If any new writers want some help turning some research or ideas into a publishable paper, chapter or book, I am happy to offer this in person, via skype or via email at research supervision rates.
I also review books submitted to publishers.
Commissioned papers/books chapters
I have a backlog of writing which I would like to do with never enough time to do it. However, if your suggestion fits with a brewing idea of mine, this may give me the extra incentive to get a particular topic out there, so please contact me with any ideas!