Gillian Proctor Independent Clinical Psychologist
Gillian Proctor Independent Clinical Psychologist


Authored Book


Proctor, G. (2018, 2002) The Dynamics of Power in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Ethics, Politics and Practice. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.



Edited Book


Proctor, G. (2019) Counselling, class and politics: undeclared influence in therapy, second edition. A. Kearney (author). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.



Edited Book


Loewenthal, D. & Proctor, G. (2018) Why not CBT? Against and for CBT revisited.. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.



Authored Book


Proctor, G. (2014) Ethics and Values in Counselling and Psychotherapy. London:Sage.


Edited Book


Proctor G., Cooper, M., Sanders P. & Malcolm B. (2006) Politicising the Person-centred approach: An agenda for social change. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.


Edited Book


Proctor, G. & Napier, MB. (eds.) (2004) Encountering Feminism: Intersections of feminism and the person-centred approach. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.



Book Chapters


Proctor, G. & Brown, M. (2019) Industrialising relational therapy: ethical conflicts and threats for counsellors in IAPT.  In C. Jackson & R. Rizq (Eds.) pp. 253-276. PCCS Books: Monmouth.


Proctor, G. (2018) Introduction to second edition. In Counselling, class and politics. A. Kearney (author) pp. 1-6. PCCS Books: Monmouth.


Proctor, G. (2018) CBT: The obscuring of power in the name of science. In Why not CBT?: Against and for CBT revisited. D. Loewenthal & G. Proctor (eds.) pp 33-51. Monmouth: PCCS books.


Loewenthal, D. & Proctor, G. (2018) Introduction to the second edition. In Why not CBT?: Against and for CBT revisited. D. Loewenthal & G. Proctor (eds.) pp 1-10. Monmouth: PCCS books.


Loewenthal, D. & Proctor, G. (2018) Conclusion to the second edition: No single therapy should be the only game in town. In Why not CBT?: Against and for CBT revisited. D. Loewenthal & G. Proctor (eds.) pp 397-400. Monmouth: PCCS books.


Proctor, G. & Keys, S. (2013 2nd edition) Ethics in practice in person-centred therapy. In the Handbook of Person-centred psychotherapy and counseling. (eds. M. Cooper, M. O’Hara, P. Schmid & A.C. Bohart), pp. 422-435. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan


Proctor, G. (2010) Women centred practice. In Anti-discriminatory Counselling practice. (Eds. C. Lago & B. Smith) London: Sage.


Proctor, G. (2008) CBT: The obscuring of power in the name of science. Against and For CBT. Ed. R. Howes and D. Loewenthal. (chapter 20) Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.


Proctor, G. (2007) Disordered boundaries? A critique of ‘Borderline Personality Disorder’. In Beyond Fear and Control: working with young people who self-harm. (Eds. H. Spandler & S. Warner) pp. 105-120. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.


Proctor, G. & Regan, A, (2007) From Both Sides: The experience of therapy. Person-Centred Practice: Case studies in positive psychology. Ross-on-Wye:PCCS Books.


Keys, S. & Proctor, G. (2007) Ethics in practice in person-centred therapy. In the Handbook of Person-centred psychotherapy and counseling. (eds. M. Cooper, M. O’Hara, P. Schmid & G. Wyatt), pp. 353-365. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan


Proctor, G. (2006) Therapy: Opium for the masses or help for those who least need it? In Proctor G., Cooper, M., Sanders P. & Malcolm B. (eds) Politicising the Person-centred approach: An agenda for social change. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.


Proctor, G. (2005) Clinical Psychology and the Person-centred Approach: An uncomfortable fit? In. S. Joseph & R. Worsley. Person-Centred Psychopathology: a positive view of mental health. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.


Proctor, G. (2004) Responding to injustice: working with angry and violent clients in a person-centred way.  In Working with Dangerous People: The psychotherapy of violence. (Ed. D. Jones) Oxford: Radcliffe Medical Press.


Proctor, G. (2002) Power in Person-centred therapy. In Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy in the 21st Century: Advances in theory, research and practice (Eds. J. Watson, R. Goldman & M. Warner) Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books.


Peer reviewed journal articles


Proctor, G. (2013) Book review of: Maximising the benefits of psychotherapy: a practice-based evidence approach by D. Green & G. Latchford. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 41(5), 606-609.


Proctor, G. (2012) Book review of: In, against and beyond therapy: critical essays towards a post-professional era, by R. House, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling,

Vol. 40, No. 4, 315-318.


Longden, E. & Proctor, G. (2012) A rationale for services responses to self-injury.  Journal of Mental Health, 21(1), 15–22.


Proctor, G. (2011) Diversity: The depoliticization of inequalities.  Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. 10,4, 231-234.


Dunphy, L., Proctor, G., Bartlett, R., Haslam, M., & Wood, C. (2010) Reflections and learning from using action learning sets in a healthcare education setting.  Action Learning: Research and Practice. 7,3, 303-314.


Proctor, G. (2010) Boundaries or mutuality in therapy: Is mutuality really possible or is therapy doomed from the start? Politics and Psychology, 8, 1, 44-58.

Proctor, G. (2008) Gender dynamics in person-centered therapy: Does gender matter?

Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, 7, 2, 82-94.


Proctor, G. (2008) CBT: The obscuring of power in the name of science. European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 10(3), 231-245.


Proctor, G. (2005) Working in forensic services in a person-centered way.  Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies. 4(1) 20-30.


Shaw, C. & Proctor, G. (2005) Women at the margins: a critique of Borderline Personality Disorder.  Feminism and Psychology. 15(4), 483-490.


Proctor, G. (2001) Listening to older women with dementia: relationships, voices and power  Disability and Society, 16(3): 361-376.


Moore, B.C.J, Glasberg, B.R. & Proctor, G.M. (1992) Accuracy of pitch matching for pure tones and for complex tones with overlapping or nonoverlapping harmonics. Journal of the  Acoustical Society of America  91, 2163-2177  



Invited Editor of journal special issue


Shaw, C. & Proctor, G. (eds.) (2004) Women at the Margins: Special Issue on women and Borderline Personality Disorder. Asylum magazine 4(3).


Articles in professional journals


Proctor, G. & Hargate, R. (2013) Quantitative and qualitative analysis of a set of goal attainment forms in primary care mental health services. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research


Proctor, G. & Shaw, C. (2005) Hidden agenda Open Mind. 133, 12-13.


Proctor, G. (2005) Should therapy make you worse? Clinical Psychology 45, 7-9.


Regan, A. & Proctor, G. (2004) Ann's story: an experience of therapy part 1.  Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, vol 4, no 2. ISSN: 1475-0724


Regan, A. & Proctor, G. (2004) Anns story: an experience of therapy part 2. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, vol 4, no 3, 22-25. ISSN: 1475-0724.


Proctor, G. (2004) Should therapy make you worse? Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, vol 4, no 3, 14-16. ISSN: 1475-0724.


Proctor, G. & Shaw, C. (2004) BPD under the microscope.  Asylum 4(3), 6-7.


Shaw, C. & Proctor, G. (2004) Women at the margins. Asylum 4(3), 8-10.


Proctor, G. (2004) Disordered boundaries.  Asylum 4(3), 24-25.


Proctor, G. (2003) Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Collaboration or Compliance? Clinical Psychology, 25 (May).


Proctor, G. (2002) Therapy in the NHS: who's got the power? Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, 2(4):26-29.


Proctor, G. (2002) My experience, as a Client, of Power in the Therapy Relationship.  The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2(3):137-148.


Proctor, G. (2002) The NHS in 2015: science fiction or scary possibility? Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. 2(3): 2-6.


Regan, A. & Proctor, G. (2001) Completing the jigsaw: An experience of therapy. The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 1(4):242-251.


Attenborough, E.L., Hawkins, J., O'Driscoll, D. & Proctor, G. (2000) Clinical Psychology in context: The impact of the socio-political environment. Clinical Psychology Forum, 142, 13-17.


Proctor, G. (1998) “’There’s always a difference: They’re higher up’: The analysis and ethics of power in the healthcare professional-service user relationship”, Journal of Dementia Care


Proctor, G. (1994) Lesbian clients’ experiences of clinical psychology: a listener’s guide.  Changes. 12:290-8.


Peer reviewed conference papers and conference workshops

Too numerous to list – at least 2 per year since 2000



Membership of journal editorial board

British Journal of Guidance and Counselling



Membership of journal editorial advisory panel

Person-centered and Experiential Psychotherapies

The Person-Centered Journal



Additional reviews

Feminism and Psychology

European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling

Counselling and Psychotherapy Research



Invited lectures and workshops

see Training


Commissioned Articles or Reviews

Book or article reviews

I enjoy editing and reviewing papers, book chapters or books, so please get in touch with any requests. If any new writers want some help turning some research or ideas into a publishable paper, chapter or book, I am happy to offer this in person, via skype or via email at research supervision rates.

I also review books submitted to publishers.



Commissioned papers/books chapters


I have a backlog of writing which I would like to do with never enough time to do it.  However, if your suggestion fits with a brewing idea of mine, this may give me the extra incentive to get a particular topic out there, so please contact me with any ideas!

Dr. Gillian Proctor,

Clinical Psychologist

D. Clin. Psych,

M.Sc, B.A. (Hons)


Phone/ text:


07780 575371

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